Wendy graduated from North Texas State University with a Bachelor of Music Education, and from Asbury Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts and Religion. She continued her studies at Wheaton Graduate School where she completed courses in ethnomusicology under the pioneer Christian ethnomusicologist Dr. Vida Chenoweth. She is currently working on a Masters of Organizational Development in the Business School at the United States International University in Nairobi. She is due to graduate in August 2008. Wendy served with ELI in Tanzania in 1994-1995, and then moved to Nairobi, Kenya where she taught in the music department at Daystar University from 1996-1999. After a couple of years in Chicago Wendy resumed her work in East Africa in July 2001 where she presently resides. She lives in Nairobi, Kenya. Wendy began training youth leaders in 1994 and started a community based youth ministry called NYUMBA YA YESU (Kiswahili for "House of Jesus") Since then over 50 Nyumba ya Yesu groups have been formed throughout Tanzania and Kenya. Wendy continues to resource existing ministries as well as to raise up leaders to start new ones. Nyumba Ya Yesu targets youth 14 and under, so a new ministry called NEW VISION YOUTH MINISTRY began in 1995 to cater to youth 15 and older. Wendy began her quest to promote indigenous worship while in Tanzania in 1994. She has a passion for seeing God receive heart-felt worship from people of every tribe, nation language and people. She believes that with a sound biblical theology of worship and a foundation in Christian communication through music, East African Christian musicians are equipped to compose and distribute new songs for worship in local languages and musical styles. Wendy currently serves as the National Project Director for Business For Life which provides quality business training for the poor.